Almost everyone agrees that Summer is the best time of the year. It is the season of the full sun and empty skies. Where people walk with smiles and fewer clothes. Where the flowers in the lawns and gardens come out in full bloom, nourishing both our eyes and noses.
Just like with all good things, however, Summer doesn’t last forever. As soon as it starts, it ends. By the time autumn starts, all the swimsuits and Summer bodies are tucked in and the previously well-manicured lawns start falling into decrepit. The latter is possibly the most unfortunate thing that happens after every Summer as it turns the concerned gardens into utter eyesores.
As professionals in lawn care and maintenance, we took it upon ourselves to guide you on the best end of Summer landscaping methods to keep your lawn neat and evergreen through the cooler months.
Height Matters
Before and during the Summer months, ensure that when mowing the lawn, your mower blade sits 3-4 inches above the grassroots. Leaving your grass taller helps it develop deeper roots and also prevents the growth of weeds, both of which will be greatly needed during the months ahead.
Mow With Sharp Blades
When mowing your lawn during the hotter days, keep an eye on the sharpness of your mower’s blades and sharpen them when you notice they’ve gone blunt. Mowing with blunts causes the grass to fray, which further makes it susceptible to browning.
Keep Time
An old gardening adage goes; “never cut your grass in the sun”. This is because doing so leaves the freshly cut grass vulnerable to sun damage. Ideally, mow at dusk, or in the early morning before the sun gets out.
Mulching Helps
After cutting your glass, it’s advisable to let the clippings sit on the lawn for several days to act as a sunblock. Mulching your grass also enhances water retention, which keeps the grass moist and green for longer.
Aim Deeper
It is recommended that you give your grass at least an inches worth of water every week if you want it to remain green and healthy. If possible, do the watering in one gulp instead of spacing it out over several days. A single, powerful dose of water reaches much deeper into the soil and consequently helps the grassroots spread deeper.
Watering At The Right Time
You probably know by now that watering your grass when the sun is out is a zero-sum game, as most water will evaporate anyway. Similarly, doing it at night is a waste of time as the lack of sun and light will lead to the water just sitting on the soil. The best time to water is in the early to mid-mornings or late afternoons.
Watch the Bugs
Most insects and bugs such as ants, mosquitoes, chinch bugs and fleas thrive in warm environments, which basically means summertime is bug season. These insects are harmful to both the health of your lawn and yours too. Thus, as soon as you notice any bug movement, contact a professional landscaping agency for timely treatment solutions.
Aerate the Soil
Regularly aerating the soil in your lawn loosens it up, thus enhancing the underground movement of nutrients, water, air and fertilizer which in turn leads to thriving plants.